Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Will I Ever Transcend the Personal? Probably Not.

I think I saw my high school student on the street today. He didn't acknowledge me, but I think that was probably because he was smoking a cigarette. Or maybe he didn't recognize me because I wasn't wearing my required "business casual."

I have no clue what I'm going to try to teach this kid tomorrow. Perhaps a long period of silent reading followed by a cocktail. It worked for [insert author's name here, I can't choose among so many].

It's amazing how quickly one can go from totally caught up on one's reading to totally behind. On the up side, I now have four or five ... let's call them proto-friends. People where there's been some separation from the herd. And lots more people in the herd with whom I'd enjoy a friendly chat.

1 comment:

Keep Your Fork, There's Pie said...

Soon you will have 5 real friends and your Irvinites will be jealous of them. Come do the poetry retreat with us! No theory suits!