Sunday, June 15, 2008


So much to say, but for now, a delightful snippet from a student essay about his own portfolio:

"I just perfectly connect these two paragraphs with wonderful transition words."

More soon, including photo-ops of Crabby the Tattoo. I will be in NYC tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Two Thoughts About Romance

1. Hillary Clinton's non-concession speech reminds me of that moment at the end of a relationship when you say, "Well, what should we do now?" and the other person says, "That's the thing, there is no 'we' anymore." And it's true but in that moment there's just no way to understand that statement.

2. I'm very much in love right now. With my bicycle.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Spirited Home

This is what it feels like biking home at night in a slight drizzle. Magical.

Today I read a Virginia Woolf short story that was brilliant and humane and allegorical and funny and only three pages long. (My favorite sentence, maybe: "even the smooth oval egg of a prehistoric bird would do.") Reading student papers all day, you can forget all the things words can do for someone who knows what she's doing.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


How is it possible that I've only graded 4 out of 20 papers? Last night I fulfilled my #1 goal--found my keys. I also took care of the burnt popcorn smell and wrote a poem about the nose. A very leafy maple tree is dramatically tossing in the wind outside Tully's. GRE fun starts in 5 minutes.