from reading A Romance of the Republic: there are only 20-30 people in the world, so you should always check the next room to see if the person there is your long-lost sister, Rosabella. It's quite a cozy vision of things, really.
Seminar foul: I don't know if I committed it or if it was the prof, but someone was giving someone else a very puzzled look when what was being said was *clearly* completely lucid, and the rest of the class was nodding.
This home-schooling thing means I am teaching again, with all the distraction that entails, but it'll be nice at paper time to have 1 to read instead of 20. Also, I have to remind myself that my stack of books is not for the quarter, but for the year.
Wordsworth is reminding me of many people I know, including Kugelmass and T. Jefferson Parker.
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