Sunday, October 08, 2006


The last post doesn't count toward my daily quota, because, as everyone knows, the weather in this blog is "cranky." That post was just a cheerful anomoly.

I'm not really that cranky, but I'm starting to realize that this tutoring gig will be a LOT of work. I mean, even if it's just to one student, I'm teaching a goddamn high school English class. It's going to require some thought. And seriously, an observation on the first day, when my explicit task is to establish "rapport"? Could anyone think that's a good idea? Well, evidently, yes.

Tonight Equinoctial made me laugh through my stress when she suggested that someone was helping a friend who had "misplaced his oeuvre."


Zanni said...

Oh yes, the high school gig can be a bitch, but I'm lucky in that I only have to go once a week. Another wasted, hungover day. Bah.

Megan Savage said...

You're going to rock this, though. Wouldn't it be great if you could establish a raptor instead? Go you.