Sunday, November 25, 2007


I'm back in Seattle and feeling very bicoastal. Coming back from the airport last night, I was thinking about how familiar the view as you enter the city has become to me. I remember the first time I saw Seattle, in March of 2002. My first view as the same one, driving north into the downtown, but then it was daytime and what's now everyday was then new and spectacular. (And that night we played pool at the College Inn, where I now go every single Thursday night and the bartenders know my name.)

Now I'm on the couch in my office reading interesting things about Ezra Pound, having decided not to leave my paper till the last minute (although many people would consider this the last minute) and the cat is sleeping on me. So this feels like home. But New York also feels like home. That's odd, since I've never lived there and don't even know my way around very well, but so many people I love are there that it just seems natural for me to be there too. It was a really good trip. More on that soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, very natural for you to be here, and delightful.