Woke up, finished up some lesson planning, rewrote portions of a paper, and left the house around 10:00.
Studied for my Proust quiz (using the English translation, to save time) while walking to school.
Photocopied for class.
Taught from 10:30-12:20.
Went to Proust class from 12:30-2:20 (It's an undergrad class with a professor who doesn't do discussions, which I'm kind of loving . . . except for the quiz, this was an entirely passive two hours)
Went to my office and discovered that the previous inmate has still not cleared out the avalanche of papers he left under my desk; on the plus side, he has also left his tree.
Finished my paper and did the reading for my pedagogy class.
Went to pedagogy class from 3:30-5:20.
Walked home. Fed and pet the cat. Repacked my bag with homework for tomorrow.
Walked back to school.
Tutored from 7:00 to midnight. It was incredibly busy so I literally did not take a break during those five hours.
Took the shuttle home so as not to be robbed and/or killed during the walk.
Had a bowl of oatmeal (late dinner--I really need to go shopping).
Now I have to read 80 pages of the Cantos by 10:00 tomorrow. I so wish I were kidding.