Friday, August 17, 2007


I have suddenly become horrified by plastic bags. Did you know that they get into the oceans and break down into little microparticles that somehow kill plankton? And we need plankton! Interestingly, I have discovered that you rarely really need plastic bags to carry your stuff out of a store. Between my purse or bookbag, my Squaw tote bag when I remember to bring it, and the willingness to sacrfice my dignity by just carrying a pile of stuff, I have pretty much totally freed myself of the plastic bag scourge. It's great. I've also finally started composting--or rather, separating out my organic trash and recycling it with the "yard waste," the way my landlords do. The grossness factor was the main hurdle, but it turns out there's also something satisfying about the whole process.

My one year anniversary of living in Seattle is drawing nigh. Winter is approaching . . . the horror! For some reason, this morning I feel like running away to a warmer climate and a more normal life. Which is not to say, though, that I'm not happy where I am, because I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! Cool! We have a warmer climate here! And "more normal life" is extreeeemely subjective, you must admit.