1. How tall am I? Could I have spent my 20s still growing? I've always thought 5'6", but comparisons with other people definitely suggest I am taller than that. Which would be awesome.
2. Are these things even poems?
3. Are the tomatoes meant to be orange, or will they get red eventually? (They taste pretty good orange.)
4. Where should E and I go to look for a cat? And what if my cat doesn't like me? It will like me, right?
5. Is there any way to stop the days from getting shorter again?
6. What are the chances that the envelope with just my poems and no rejection slip or note could be anything other than a rejection?
7. How long until the ridiculous scrapes I inflicted on myself by falling while running on a little path in the dark will heal?
8. How excited am I that Sisterkins is coming back into the country TODAY??!!