Tuesday, October 24, 2006

North and South

I'm reading North and South, by Elizabeth Gaskell. It's a good book. It's about a girl who moves from a warm, southern, clean, quiet town where people take care of each other and she has lots of friends to a cold, foggy, dirty, anonymous northern city where she knows no one. As I said, it's a good book.


Megan Savage said...

My undergrad advisor was a Gaskell scholar, but I've never read her. If you were one of my students you might have said, man, this is so good, I can totally relate!l

Anonymous said...

I made Douglas Adams autograph my copy of North and South when he spoke at the Oxford Union. It was what I had with me! He looked puzzled. I still haven't read the damned thing.

Anonymous said...

I have a huge stash of cheap beer from the hillbilly drive in, and everytime I open a Miller light I think of you.