Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hooray no class!

But that means I've got a bunch of time to kill before picking up my new glasses.

1. I probably chose the wrong ones. I usually do. I really wanted plastic frames, but ended up with metal again. Hmmm.

2. Being in two 19th century classes, I'm reading a lot of melodramas and sentimental narratives. They're not as bad as one might fear, but I'm ready to stop hearing the phrase "If she only knew what lay ahead..." and its variants.

3. At the same time that they're not that bad, I kind of wish there were Cliff Notes for these books. It seems like if they're not actually good books, and if you're not going to write about them, it would be just as efficacious to read the first hundred pages or so to get the flavor and then just find out what happens. I should be using this time right now to make some more headway in "A Fool's Errand" by Albion Tourgee, but I just don't want to.

4. The blog book is taking me forever to edit, but I'm getting kind of fond of the author and her quirks. She loves riding her bike around her neighborhood, and smoking out of her hookah, and Allen Ginsberg. She has dreams about Nietzche and RuPaul and prefers them to the men in her waking life. For a while I was working backwards in time, but then I decided to start at the end and go forwards. That means I know things are going to get worse for her, and it's kind of hanging over me. I want to tell her "Stay home! Don't go back to college! You're going to be so lonely!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should really consider a Pale Fire approach where you write in these hilarious annotations, and eventually your annotations (on the philosophy of RuPaul, on not going back to college to avoid loneliness, etc.) overtake the original collection of posts.

Why are you taking classes where you read bad books? Somebody get this woman a class on Bishop or something!