Friday, November 11, 2005


Another hungover morning because fictioneers know how to party, IHOP, and then a long session in Borders studying for the literature GRE. Ruskin, Wycherly and Congreve, ottava rima, alexandrines and rhyme royal, the Miller, the Pardoner and the Nun's Priest, you shall all be mine. And I'm going running and then looking forward to the rest of a quiet night with the books. And more of these quiet nights in the future. Why? Because I enjoy them, damnit.

(Speaking of damnit, in Firefly I noticed that the characters say "gorram" by which they seem to mean goddamn. I've been trying to figure out if that is clever censorship avoidance or annoying Western-speak. But when people in real life use it, the choice is clear. Okay?)

1 comment:

Keep Your Fork, There's Pie said...

I think the spelling of "damn it" when the usage is a one-word expletive should be "dammit." It expresses the hammered-thumb exasperation more precisely.