Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bad Dreams

This morning, while snoozing to NPR, I had two strange bad dreams. In the first, I flew to Indiana to interview Jean Valentine, and halfway through the interview realized I was way unprepared and was asking really stupid questions (although I also had breakfast with Equinoctial and she cheered me up). In the second, I was having a nasty fight with my wonderful Faultline co-editor about this promotional calendar we were putting out. Does it sound like I'm anxious? I think maybe I'm anxious. But really, I blame the pledge drive.

Off to 4 straight hours of student conferences, followed by two hours of tutoring. And then, Collier!

1 comment:

Megan Savage said...

Oh, man. Well, I would hope that in the event of a fiasco like that I'd be around to cheer you up. Pancakes?