Friday, November 25, 2005

Always, Sometimes, Never?

As they say in the personal ads, are the following always, sometimes, or never okay?

--Parentheses around part of a word, as in "There are many (re)sources for a female poet..."

--Poetic as a (singular) noun

--Problematic as a noun

That's all for now, next installment coming up soon...


Megan Savage said...

My vote:

1)sometimes: yes to (re)vison but not sure about (re)sources?

2)sometimes: when plural


Anonymous said...

1) Never.
2) Never. (Only plural as noun)
3) Never.

Makes you want to write for us, doesn't it.

Keep Your Fork, There's Pie said...

I'm interested in the context of #1. What (re)sources? I'm female. I'm a poet. Is there something useful at the end of that sentence?