Sunday, July 17, 2005

Coming Attractions

I have been mulling over a few different posts that I will write up in the next couple of days. More posts than poems in the pipeline, the hopper, or any other of the metaphors Cullen (my boss at the Atlantic) used to use to talk about how the magazine wouldn't have room for someone's piece: dangerous.

The posts will be about:

Dustin, Hoffman and otherwise, and Chinese poetry
The Great Wall and a rabbit under a palm tree
Our friend the exchange rate
Antler (Head of the Class) and magical thinking
The Myers-Briggs test by the sea

They will include pictures.

I am still on some variant of Beijing time (which I conceive of as being nine hours behind, but on the next day; my mom thinks that's a nonsensical way to understand it, but I am really bad at time changes and have to go with what works). This is D-Day for getting onto a normal schedule (do other people's families use that expression, or just mine?), so no more writing now. But more soon.

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