Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Public Service Announcement

There is an indoor palm tree at LAX under which you can sit and use free wireless. It's quite luxurious. Perfect for submitting grades.

Also, Devin is the best. Hope you're home by now...


Megan Savage said...

I remembered the other thing - someone just posted the Stanley Fish piece on our ENG list serve with the following note: I thought some of you might be interested (whether in the indignant "Ridiculous!" sense or in the "Hm, intriguing" sense) in this linguistics-based approach to writing. I was impressed with their tact. You know (as we'll have many coversations about soon, I'm sure), our Comp program is exactly that which against dear old Stan rails.

Keep Your Fork, There's Pie said...

It's like hearing from you from the beyond...I'm so glad you found the palm tree.