Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Today I feel sad. It is raining. The squirrels in suits are still scuttling my study plans. Brahms in orchestra rehearsal makes me feel sad. Other things make me feel sad. Henry James makes me feel exquisitely frustrated. One of my advisers makes me feel terrified by promising that during my qualifying exams she will ask me the name of the bloodthirsty rabbit in Women in Love. ("Bunnicula?")

On the plus side, I have gotten some really delightful emails recently, and today is a day of people I know randomly being famous on the internet, so that's always cool. I'm going to take a shower, do my dishes (which is a very Zen experience, because something happened to the water pressure while I was away and now the kitchen sink can only produce a trickle) and then read some HJ in bed. That will be nice.

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