Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Down down down

Between fights, work, and the weather, I've been feeling down all day. I just went to the meeting of the poetry board of a journal, and that was depressing--the poems were bad, the criticisms were bad in the most depressing way--dismissive but superficial--and I couldn't see any point in trying to improve the conversation, since the poems were bad anyway. It reminded me of Lit Review in college. Now I'm skipping my office party--which is not, as it sounds, a miserable reindeer-sweater affair but actually a really fun event with my friends in our TA office--in order to grade papers I didn't grade earlier, but obviously I am not grading papers yet. They are hanging over me, though, so once I'm done I think I'll feel better. Then I'm going to go run. And tomorrow I'm going to read. This week is proving less productive than I'd hoped. And I have approximately thousands of books left to read.

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