Monday, July 30, 2007


It's been a strange day. My director of graduate studies was at the bar. Earlier, I discovered that I really enjoy teaching math. I have a GRE prep job where I have to teach the whole test, and, well, discovering that I can teach math is like finding out I have a new arm or something. My students are really sweet and smart and they don't seem to think I don't know what I'm doing. As I was saying to someone earlier, though, it might actually be harder for me to teach the verbal section, where my approach is basically "Find the right answer and choose it." Other weekend highlights included running my 8k race, where I kept up a good clip despite a cramp, and an interesting taco party. I'm excited for JF and EG's upcoming visits.

Friday, July 20, 2007

The News

I thought you might like to see the view out my door. You can see the stump of the tree we cut down, as well as what remains of the bamboo grove. When it stops raining, I will also take a picture of my garden. The tomato plants are almost as tall as me now.

About the rain: something has happened to me, because I've actually been enjoying it. I'm sure I'll change my tune again in the fall, but for now, as everyone knows, it's cozy to stay in and study when it's raining. I'm studying in preparation for starting my new job in the ridiculous field of GRE prep. The thing about this job is, I have to teach math. I was eighteen last time I took math (and I bombed it, but that wasn't entirely my fault). That means, I realized last night, that it has been more than ten years since I have studied this subject. I mean, ask yourself, do YOU remember what a polynomial is?

I'm also excited because for the first time since I've lived here, I'm finally getting some visitors! At least three sets within the next couple of weeks. But the rest of the summer is still wide open (hint, hint).

In other news, I had a fantastic meeting with my advisor. We made a timetable with which to envision me ever finishing grad school, he told me exactly what to do to try and get my Virginia Woolf paper published, and he reduced my blood pressure by telling me his philosophy on exam lists, which is that they should prepare you for what you want to teach rather than being a bibliography of your dissertation. This is a huge relief. Since my new philosophy (i.e. rationalization) on the dissertation is that it's a good thing to choose a topic at the last possible moment, since I'll inevitably become bored by spending so much time on any one thing, constructing a bibliography for it nowish would be pretty daunting. But I already know what I want to say I can teach, so that will be much easier.

Next weekend, I'm running an 8K Torchlight Run that I'm pretty excited about. We will be essentially leading a big parade, so there will be lots of people along the route. Apparently, some people run the raced dressed as bananas and so forth. I will be Big Number 267, plus I already have my t-shirt, so it's official.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Life Changes

Today my landlords/housemates and I spontaneously cut down a tree. My apartment now gets about 300% more light, and it's amazing. The sum total of the tree is now a big pile of leaves and stick and a nicely stacked woodpile for the firepit. Then we had a barbeque. Pretty much, it was awesome. Also, I bought on craigslist a $20 loveseat that becomes a (double) bed, so now if you come visit me, you will have a place to sleep. So I recommend that you do come visit me. The tomato plants are going wild, and I also am growing basil, thai basil, sage, pineapple sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano, mint, and peppermint, and they're all doing beautifully.

Last weekend I went to weddings both Saturday and Sunday. In different way both were fantastic. Here is a picture of me, sisterkins, Kate (the guest of honor), and two new friends bridesmaiding it up in New York.