The tomatoes are getting bigger, and the droopy basil seems to be cheering up. Still, we have another two weeks of June Gloom left to go, and I can tell the plants are sick of it. As am I. My teen student, on the other hand, claims to love it, which proves that growing up in Seattle makes you a freak.
Last week I couldn't find the key I use to get in and do laundry. Feeling kind of dumb, I turned my apartment upside down in various ways for several days and then finally found the key last night . . . on the kitchen table. Yup, I'm a keeper. At least my clothes are clean now.
Tomorrow I'm going to print out all my poems from my thesis and from this year and maybe some more that have been lurking in my files, and I'm going to see where we're at.
I know where my laundry key is...I just need to figure out when there might be time to go :) On the plus side, I did find that Targe has laundry baskets with luggage type wheels... that is the best thing I've seen in quite some time. That, and I've discovered pomegranate flavored vodka. It goes well with sugar for body shots...wait forget I mentioned that!
um I meant Target...but I suppose you knew that already :)
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