Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Actually, relatively few Vietcong know the work of Cole Porter"

In the early days of Doonesbury, B.D. wants to get out of a term paper so badly that he signs up to go to Vietnam (where he meets the delightful Phred).

I have another stupid bibliography assignment due tomorrow, and, well, I know how B.D. felt. Because of an email glitch, I didn't get confirmation on my topic until yesterday, and then I had to go to work until midnight (where I procrastinated, but still). So now I have to find 15-25 sources tonight, and all the books are checked out, and my topic is falling apart, and a can of rice in the jungle is looking kind of good right now.

(The title phrase is my favorite from this sequence. You really should read early Doonesbury if you haven't already. I have the first three volumes--courtesy of Josh, again!--on my coffee table, so there are no excuses.)

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