Thursday, July 06, 2006

An Abstract of My Thesis

It’s the Void, Stupid

After all, I’m not obsessed with drowning in a pool;
my biggest fear is someone will deem my swimsuit inappropriate.

The ocean is a factor, but mostly it’s really deep ponds.
You have to experience this: you dive down

and you realize, it goes down and down and down.
It’s all the same down there, and it wants

in the scariest way, which is nothing like the way a person wants,
to keep your body. And the fucked-up and terrifying thing

is that it is right. It will get your body.
The bottom of the pond is more real than the shore.

Just ask any fucking Stegosaurus you might meet.
And that, friends, is what it is to be a poet.


Zanni said...

I hope this will be a real poem. It is, right? Do you want help with any poems? If you do, I should be home all day tomorrow. You can email 'em to me too but I only have email at work so I only check weekdays. I miss you!

Anonymous said...


Megan Savage said...

Er, the above was me.

Florence Plank said...

It looks to me that your abstract looks a little weak. Well, I guess it is a working subject. Thesis abstract can really help people understand what the paper is all about. It can have the information but at the same time doesn’t give away too much. Anyway, it sounds good to hear so I hope everything went well with this abstact.