Just saw the grizzly bear movie. Timothy Treadwell always brought a stuffed animal bear with him when he went to Alaska to film real bears. We see him cuddling with it in his tent, and then later his mother holding it, nervously moving its paws, while she's being interviewed. It looks a lot like a teddy bear I used to have named Beary Bear. How strange to go from stuffed to actual bears but to continue to love the stuffed ones. I've always thought it was healthy and delightful to project a certain amount onto stuffed animals (whereas dolls are just creepy), but with Treadwell it really doesn't seem that way. He's sort of a victim of the Velveteen Rabbit fallacy, that if you love it enough it will become real for you, that love can actually transcend projection and transform the thing that's being loved. Though as I remember, the real rabbit doesn't stay with the sick child... or does the child die? I remember finding that book incredibly sad.
In other news, Josh reminds me that tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate day. Maybe I'll go to Tarrrrrrget. Or go work out at the ARrrrrrrrrrC (the Anteater Recreation Center, that is, i.e. the gym). Or see if I've been assigned a smarrrrrrrrt classroom. Also, tomorrow is the first episode of the new Arrrrrrrrested Development, isn't it? Ah, the pleasures and possibilites of life in Irvine.
Shit man, that's my favorite show! We gotta watch it. Did I tell you that the teddy I've had since birth and that I still sleep with is named Beary? Ask me to introduce you next time you're over.
The greatest thing about Talk Like a Pirate Day is how well it prepares you for Talk Like a Bostonian Day. Maybe you'll go to Tahhhhhhget. Or go work out at the AhhhhhhhhC. But I like your suggestion best: let's have dinner in Ahhhhhhlington.
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