Monday, February 20, 2006

Frogs Etc.

I would just like to say that my sister is the best. She and Uncle John are lucky to be hanging out together in China. But Uncle John, are you secretly a Frogman? Be careful of the soup--it may be full of your cousins!

I am slowly slogging through a stack of student essays--the only boring reading of the term, hopefully, because other than these it will be their articles which have to be written to captivate--and after that I will transcribe my own boring interview. Work, work, work. In theory it's great, but in practice it's so much easier to fool around on the internet. Right now I really want a small, cute typewriter to write poems on. It's not so much that I feel blocked, because I'm writing okay on my computer, I just think it would be fun to put the paper in, tap tap tap, and a poem comes out the other side.

Speaking of tap tap tap, it's time now to run my little heart out on the treadmill.

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