Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Friend Crush

Appropos of nothing in particular I was thinking in the shower about friend crushes, and how nice they are, and how they differ from romantic crushes, which are less nice. When you have a romantic crush, you crave the crushee's attention, and simultaneously you get shy and have to fight the urge to hide from the crushee.* With a friend crush, it's just nice to spend time with the person. It's not complicated. But the great thing about any kind of crush, its defining feature I think, is that the crushee's life opens up as a whole alternate set of experiences, thoughts, tastes, etc, so that suddenly it's like you could have twice as much of life if you could get to know this person better. It's a mysterious kind of arithmatic, and it usually doesn't kick in even with people who are really great. But when it does!

*at least if for you you read me

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