Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ding dong, the witch is dead...

Or at least, Valentines' Day is over. I was actually truly not bitter yesterday, for once, but I think Hallmark might have indirectly contributed to my sluggishness. The thing is, I think it's really better to be single on V-day, because you don't have to decide how much to try to fit yourself into a ridiculous cliche. My last coupled Valentines' day was a disaster: we kept drinking scorpion bowls and arguing, and it's really hard to argue in a dignified manner when you're sipping from one of two straws stuck in a pineapple.

Tomorrow is a much better holiday, HenHen's birthday. You should come to her party on Friday.

On a totally unrelated note, I've made an odd, faintly embarassing, discovery: I like off-brand diet soda better than Diet Coke--to me, it tastes more sugary, more like real coke. Isn't that weird? Why is that?

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